Gather Your Exam Supplies!
This week will focus on exams. A good place to start is by gathering necessary supplies. Because you may need to borrow or buy some items, it makes sense to start gathering them now. Below is a list of suggested items. Use the comments to emphasize items that are particularly helpful to you, provide links to inexpensive options, or mention anything missing. Gathering supplies is likely something you don’t think about much for in-school proctored exams, but it is a must during this time. Let’s help one another to have all that we need to do our best during this unusual time.
Necessary supplies may include:
Ear plugs
Noise cancelling headphones
Ear buds used with a fan or white noise track
Fan or white noise machine
Do not disturb sign
Tape for the do not disturb sign
Scratch paper and pen(s) for planning an answer
Printer (owned, borrowed, or perhaps purchase inexpensively)
Printer ink
Tabs or post-its
Desk lamp
Water bottle
Hand lotion
Calculator (if necessary and permitted, to calculate damages, income, etc.)
Kitchen or other timer